Discover a Better AMC Experience with The Appraisal Hub

Real Estate Appraisal

Are you tired of working with an Appraisal Management Company (AMC) that

  • Is difficult to work with?
  • Produces sloppy work?
  • Is using the lowest fee appraisers so they can make the most amount of money per order?
  • Does not keep you informed?
  • Does not have the tools and systems in place to manage the appraisal ordering process?

Why Choose The Appraisal Hub

  • We're here to show you there's a better, easier and more efficient way to manage the appraisal ordering process.

  • At The Appraisal Hub we understand the importance of having a process in place that meets all your needs.

  • We not only comply with all industry regulations but we will provide you with top-quality appraisers.

  • We compensate our appraisers fairly to assure the highest level of accuracy, therefore producing superior reports.

  • To further ensure the quality of reports, all appraisals are reviewed by an experienced in-house appraiser prior to the submission of the completed report.

Why Choose The Appraisal Hub


Key Features

  • Our system is designed so that once an order is submitted and an appraiser is assigned, the borrower will be contacted within 24-48 hours to schedule the appointment.

  • Reports will then be submitted electronically within 2-4 days after the inspection date.

  • Lender personnel will be provided with email notifications at each stage of the order process.

  • The Appraisal Hub will receive automated notifications if the appraiser has not met The Appraisal Hub's time requirements.

  • Our team is always available to assist you, via phone or email, with any needs you may have throughout the appraisal process.

Key Features

key points

We recognize you're putting your trust in us by placing your customer's order with us.

A representative from The Appraisal Hub will contact you to set up access to our online appraisal management system.

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